Enhanced Driver Safeguard


Increased ability and proven training behind the wheel to learn the intricacies of equipment will ensure drivers are adequately prepared and able to operate and take full advantage of new technologies while facing any challenge they confront on the road.

  • Safety is the top priority – that’s why only fully qualified and trained drivers should be allowed to operate advanced trucking equipment.
  • Freight industry leaders must continue to execute ongoing career training for experienced drivers, maintaining a knowledge of up-to-date safe driving practices – focused on blind spot awareness, tips to avoid distracted driving, and use of the latest truck safety features.


Widespread adoption of safe driving, predictive maintenance and remote enforcement technologies are key to safe and efficient driving.

  • New advanced trucks should be equipped with, or have access to, cutting-edge technologies such as lane departure warning sensors, crash avoidance systems, tire pressure monitoring systems (TPMS), virtual weigh in motion stations and on the road diagnostic systems.


Improved road and bridge infrastructure means a safer environment for drivers to navigate.

  • Congress must ensure the Highway Trust Fund is well-funded and capable of supporting road, bridge, and tunnel maintenance, and improvements designed to meet tomorrow’s needs.
  • All new roadways should be constructed with features, including rumble strips, widened shoulders, and well-engineered asphalt, that promote longevity and a safe, high-quality driving experience for all vehicles.


Increased awareness and education can benefit all drivers on the roads, not just those behind the wheels of advanced trucking equipment.

  • Automobile driver’s education curricula should incorporate material on best practices for driving near trucks such as blind spot awareness and strategies for safe passing.